Using Positive Discipline“Do not train a child by force or harshness, but direct them to do it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.”
-Plato, philosopher Don’t you love how Plato said, “the peculiar bent of the genius of each?” Each child is a genius in her own way. What if we looked at our child as a genius? Would we discipline differently? How about, “Do not train a child by force or harshness?” What about a positive approach then? How many times do you make a negative statement when, with a little forethought, it could have been turned into a positive? How about, “As soon as you clean your room, you can go outside,” instead of, “You can’t go outside until you clean your room.” Same message, just couched in a positive statement. The positive removes the consequence and gives a promise of good things to come. Offer reasonable choices as often as possible. Choices empower and give ownership of the action to the child. Your child has a desire for control. As long as a person has a choice, they do not lose. The purpose of discipline is to change behavior and instill responsibility. Remember Plato’s wise words and look for the genius within. Read More... |