Motivate your child to do what's rightDo you look for your kids doing good things and give praise? Or, do you wait until your child messes up and give correction? The easy route is to leave them alone until we have to say no or fuss at them for doing something.
If you want to motivate students, give praise to reinforce good behavior instead of always pointing out the negative. It takes about five positive reinforcements for every correction to keep the ratio in a proper perspective. Give specific praise. Better to say, “I love the way you tucked in all the sheets on your bed today,” instead of just, “Good job.” You are now validating the behavior and giving positive feedback. Praise both what your child does and who they are. You are showing you validate their hard work as well as how you value them for just being them. Be authentic. Kids know when you are being truthful and when you aren’t. Don’t make up things to praise them. Be sincere or your kids will see right through the words. Be prompt. Don’t wait. Just like we want to give consequences for bad behavior as soon as it happens, don’t wait until the end of the week to give praise for good things. What are you looking for? It takes both positive praise and correction to raise a well-rounded child. Read More... |