4 Ways to Add Value to Your Relationship with Your Child's TeacherParents need great teachers. Teachers need great parents.
Nothing like stating the obvious! A child’s learning is constantly building on what is learned previously. I know I forget that my child’s teacher will spend more time with them over the nine months of school than anyone. Yet, I rarely think to find ways to make sure there we have a healthy relationship. My child, your child will not get this year back. This is why it is important to value your child’s teacher. Everything changes when we partner together. I have been on both sides of this relationship. I have three children in school and know the importance of their teachers. I have also worked side by side with teachers and have seen the difference a healthy working relationship can make. 4 Ways to Add Value to the Relationship with Your Child’s Teacher Build trust. In any relationship when you build trust by good communication, asking questions, and finding out information before you jump to conclusions you can create a foundation for a good relationship. Tell them. Tell your child’s teacher that you value their influence in your child. Encouragement can be an energy booster for anyone. Don’t keep it to yourself. Treat them the way you want to be treated. As parents we know this is a good idea and we often teach our children this important truth. Yet, we often give ourself a pass on this simple practice. Catch yourself and make this a positive character trait in your life. Communicate to your child. Our children need to know that we value their teacher. It will encourage them to work harder, listen better, and show more respect. Tell your kids why you appreciate their teacher. We know life isn’t always easy and we don’t always see things the way others might. But, when we value relationships especially important working relationships we can better our kids, for success. Parents need great teachers. Teachers need great parents. Better together! Read More... |